990-41产品经理:Essential Skills for Written Communication 书面沟通的基本技能

news/2024/6/17 14:34:47 标签: 产品经理, 数据库, 人机交互, 人工智能, github

What is written communication? 什么是书面沟通?

In the age of information, there is simply too much to remember. A simple solution is to write it all down.
Written communication definition
Written communication is making use of the written word to deliver information. Anytime a person writes a message that will be sent along for someone else to read and interpret, they are using written communication.
A tale as old as Egyptian hieroglyphs, written communication has evolved in a lot of different directions. No matter where we go, we are surrounded by words. Notes from roommates saying the dishwasher is clean, expiration dates printed on food, and street signs telling us we made another wrong turn all give us worthwhile information that might ultimately alter our actions.

3 types of written communication 3种书面沟通方式

There are many different written communication channels in business. But no matter the channel, the content of the message sent is either transactional, instructional or informational.

Transactional written communication
Simply put, a transactional message is sent to get results. It can be a quick clarification, a request for a meeting, or asking for a favor. The whole point is to get a response from the person the message was sent to, or from the person with the best information.

Because the sender ultimately becomes the receiver when delivering transactional messages, they have the power to choose the channel that best fits their informational needs.

When sending a transactional message, it’s best to use an online form of written communication. The point of asking a question is to get a response, and preferably ASAP. Sending a written message on paper when a response is needed will leave you waiting without the information you need. Online written communication tools, such as instant messengers, are perfect for asking a brief question and getting the most timely response possible.

Informational written communication
Informational written communication includes the sender delivering a message for the receiver’s benefit. Since this is less dependent on the receiver, there is no response needed. If the receiver has questions or concerns, that would bring the conversation back to transactional communication.

Informational messages can be sent to an individual or a group with the help of online and offline channels. A written memo posted in different locations around the office can address an entire group while also serving as a reminder of the information. An email, on the other hand, will likely pair the message with a notification or alert for the receiver, making it hard to miss.

Whichever channel you pick to send an informational message, make sure it will reach the audience before they must apply the information.

Instructional written communication
Instructional written communication gives receivers directions for a specific task. If the receiver is required to take action, it is important to make these messages detailed and easy to understand. Certain people may not know as much as others on the topic at hand, so including the basics is always necessary. The goal is to educate the audience about something they need to know and might have to apply later on.

When distributing instructional information, the format is more important than the method. Typically, instructions involve a step-by-step process. Using bullet points or numbering phrases can visually break down the directions and make the process easier to understand.

简而言之,发送事务消息以获取结果。 它可以是快速澄清、会议请求或请求帮助。 重点是从消息发送者或拥有最佳信息的人那里得到回复。


发送交易消息时,最好使用在线书面通信形式。 提出问题的目的是为了得到答复,而且最好是尽快得到答复。 当需要回复时发送纸质书面消息将使您等待而得不到所需的信息。 在线书面交流工具(例如即时通讯工具)非常适合提出简短问题并获得最及时的答复。

信息性书面通信包括发送者为了接收者的利益而传递消息。 由于这对接收者的依赖性较小,因此不需要响应。 如果接收者有问题或疑虑,对话就会回到事务性沟通。

信息消息可以借助线上和线下渠道发送给个人或团体。 张贴在办公室不同位置的书面备忘录可以针对整个团队,同时也可以作为信息的提醒。 另一方面,电子邮件可能会将消息与收件人的通知或警报配对,使其很难错过。


指导性书面沟通为接收者提供特定任务的指示。 如果要求接收者采取行动,那么使这些消息变得详细且易于理解非常重要。 对于当前的主题,某些人可能不如其他人了解得那么多,因此包括基础知识始终是必要的。 目标是教育观众一些他们需要知道并且稍后可能需要应用的东西。

分发教学信息时,格式比方法更重要。 通常,说明涉及分步过程。 使用项目符号或编号短语可以直观地分解方向并使过程更容易理解。




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